Pam has over 20 years of experience working in Mental Health and started her career in Vancouver, BC. After completing two years of post-secondary in the social sciences, focusing on psychology, she moved to the Registered Psychiatric Nursing program. While completing the RPN program at Douglas College, she worked as a life skill worker in many psychiatric group homes settings as well as Venture, a short-stay step up/step down facility. Following graduation in 1999, she worked as an RPN at both St. Paul’s Hospital and Venture. Moving to the Okanagan in 2001 to work for IHA-Community MH, she has provided leadership for several teams including: Seniors MH, Adult MH, Adolescent Psychiatry, Intensive Case Management and Mental Health Emergency Services. Currently she is the team leader at Cara Centre, a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Facility, under Tertiary Mental Health, where clients come to recover, rebuild and reintegrate into their home communities. She is committed to promoting recovery, self- determination and learning by building sustainable relationships with community partners and service providers.