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About PSR Canada

We provide competencies for a Community of Practice for individuals and organizations dedicated to the values, principles and delivery of recovery-based services.

Learnings from others’ endeavours
Sponsor educational webinars and meetings
CPRRP Designation
Support for members across geographical groups
Promote local member involvement and connection

Since 2013, the organization has maintained a Competencies of Practice for Canadian Recovery Oriented Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioners. This document is compiled through the Scientific Committee of the organization using evidenced based and promising practices. Many of the members of the scientific committee are post secondary educators and by combining their knowledge base, they provide the information that demonstrates how recovery is successful using the tools of psychosocial rehabilitation.

Vision and Mission Statement

Psychosocial Rehabilitation/Réadaptation Psychosociale Canada (PSR RPS Canada) is a professional organization with members representing a wide range of roles who are committed to the use of recovery practices for people who have mental illnesses and/or substance use issues. The community is comprised of family members, people with lived experience, service providers, leaders within the service system, researchers and organizations dedicated to using the tools of psychosocial rehabilitation.

The Vision

The vision of PSR Canada is that people with a mental illness and/or substance use concerns achieve full social inclusion.

The Mission

The mission of PSR Canada is to be a leader in transforming the mental health and substance use sector through education, research, and knowledge exchange. We are committed to promoting the social inclusion, recovery, and well-being of all individuals and communities.

Psychosocial rehabilitation tools are essential to implementing recovery practices, and PSR Canada believes that education is key.

PSR Canada established its Certified Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Practitioner (CPRRP) designation in 2016 to provide a credential that recognizes competencies in the practice of recovery services. The certification is based on the Competencies of Practice for Canadian Recovery-Oriented Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioners of PSR RPS Canada and the Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Practice from the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

A progression of steps leads to the achievement of the highly valued CPRRP credential and entry into a flexible structure for lifelong learning and the development of recovery-orientated practices.

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