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Dr. John Higenbottam is a neuropsychologist who, for most of his career, has held senior clinical management positions in the British Columbia health care system, including Vice President, Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre, Vice President, BC Rehab and Vice President, Riverview Hospital.

John is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, UBC and teaches in the medical undergraduate and psychiatry residency programs. He is also the  Editor in Chief of the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health andPresident of the BC Brain Injury Alliance which funds community services for people with brain injury.

John is a former Chair, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Canada and former Co-Chair, Canadian Alliance for Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) which is Canada’s major alliance of 18 mental health professional and stakeholder organizations.

John’s major clinical and research interests focus on effective, community based systems and services for people with serious mental illness and complex care needs.

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