ONGOING REQUIREMENTS/Maintenance of Certification (MoC)

CPRRP Ongoing Requirements

To keep your CPRRP designation up to date, you will need to keep up with these requirements:

  1. Continue to be a member in good standing with PSR RPS Canada.
  2. Obtain the necessary Maintenance of Certification (MoC) credits, as per the PSR RPS Canada policy and guidelines. PSR RPS Canada sees the Maintenance of Certification (MoC) as an integral part of the certification process. You will record your MoC credits in your online account.
  3. Abide by the code of ethics. Reports of ethical violations will result in a review of your CPRRP status.
        - no refund will be offered for fees when an individual is in breach of code of ethics.
        - when a breach has occurred that member will have their CPRRP designation revoked pending investigation.
  4. Every three years submit MoC credits to the Registrar through your online account. Once credits are approved, you will be prompted in your account to pay the MoC fee of  $175 to maintain your certification.  


Maintenance of Certification (MoC)

Maintenance of certification is necessary for all Certified Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Recovery Practitioner (CPRRP) to ensure their on-going competency as well as keeping their evidence-based practice of psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR) and recovery oriented services current and up-to-date.  With that as the main goal for MoC, the Certification Committee of the PSR Canada uses PSR Practice Competencies (2nd edition, 2017) to guide CPRRP re-certification process.

Time line

The credential is maintained in a 3-year cycle. Starting in the first year that CPRRPs pay the Maintenance of Credential fee. Registrants have the next 3 years to earn 35 Maintenance of Credential Credits (MoC credits).  CPRRPs must fulfill the following to be eligible for re-certification. Failure to fulfill the requirements within the timeline will result in decertification. Once MOC is expired a 3- month grace period will begin, thereafter you will/may be required to complete a new CPRRP process. You can reach out to Registrar to communicate the reasons if an extension is required.

What qualifies for MoC credits

Educational and professional development opportunities that address PSR Practice Competencies are eligible for MoC credits.  In keeping with our definition of competency we assert that learning occurs at three different aspects namely: skill acquisition, knowledge attainment and value transformation. CPRRPs are required to attend (and record) quality education events for skill and knowledge acquisition, and also to reflect on their learning to demonstrate their attitude and value integration towards PSR and recovery.  Therefore, to obtain MoC credits, CPRRPs are required to attend education and professional development events, and also to reflect on how the learning in the previous 3 years enhance individuals’ PSR Practice Competencies.

Trusting all members adhere to the PSR Canada Practitioner Code of Ethics, the Certification Committee assumes registrants’ integrity in performing the reflection. Should the need arise the Certification Committee will conduct audits to request clarification or elaboration on submissions.

Category I: description of activities

Education opportunities are offered directly or co-offered by PSR Canada or its Chapters. "Co-offered" is defined as any program presented by PSR Canada or its Chapters in partnership with another organization, in which there is an equal role in the development, planning, organization of the program, and is endorsed by the PSR Canada or its Chapters, as indicated in the PSR Canada Professional Development website ( These activities are classified under Category I in the table below.

Category II: description of activities

PSR Canada also wants to ensure CPRRPs have access to diverse and evidence-based education opportunities offered outside the above-named organizations. Education events that qualify for MoC credits must be directly related to PSR Practice Competencies. These activities are classified under category II in the table below. 

The purpose of MoC is to ensure highest quality of competency of CPRRP.  Therefore, educational opportunities that do not directly relate to PSR and recovery practice will not be counted towards MoC credits. Examples of events that will not be considered appropriate for recertification purposes specifically are Mental Health First Aid Training, fire safety and prevention, hazardous material handling / WHMIS, First Aid Training / CPR, computer software / work skill training, internship, staff orientation, staff meetings, or workplace required trainings.  This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and registrants have to demonstrate their professional judgement and PSR knowledge in differentiating which events are not relevant to PSR Practice Competencies (but maybe required by workplace). The Certification Committee in consultation with the PSR Canada Board has the ultimate decision on the whether the event is eligible for MoC credit.

Note:  A total of 35 credits over 3 years is required of which a minimum of 10 MoC credits MUST be from Category I, with the remainder 25 MoC from either Category I or II.  Of note, we are encouraging members to advance PSR and Recovery in Canada by volunteering and participating as much as possible in PSR Canada and local chapters thus registrant may earn all 35 credits via Category I.


1.   Go into your account, go to the MoC section and click "Add" beside "Record MOC credits". This will create a document where you can enter in the information regarding your education.  You can record here whether it is in Category I or Category II.   If you do this asap after doing your activity, it is easier at the end of the three years to review your activity in your account. 

2. At the end of the three years, submit the MOC credit document through your online account to be reviewed by the certification committee.   If it meets the criteria, your re-certification is approved!   Bingo!!!


Definition of MOC Credits

Fillable PDF for your MOC credits 
This fillable PDF is for your convenience.  YOU MUST GO INTO YOUR ACCOUNT TO RECORD YOUR CREDITS.